Thread subject: :: Austrolimnophila

Posted by solito de solis on 18-10-2015 19:26

Hey dipterists

I found yesterday collecting freshwater in a little river ( I know the biotic indice high-here the value could be 18/20)
a 12 mm Limoniidae larva
I first saw the specific morphology of the spiracle and presence of anal papillae ?

dorsal view of the end of the larva
I have made pictures about this organism and I will put the photos and a video of alive specimen within a few hours

I would be glad to go further in the determination to sp ? or ochracea ? or another one ?
If you can help...

on the last segment I can see 4 anal lobes (gills?)

thank you

Edited by solito de solis on 19-10-2015 01:10