Thread subject: :: Stratiomyidae, which Stratiomys? => Stratyomis chamaeleon

Posted by dirk on 05-08-2013 21:09

Hello forum,

Stratiomys from 10.07.2013 in Germany, South Bavaria, East-Allgäu, close to Neuschwanstein castle, ca. 850 m NN, (on wild carot – Daucus carota subsp. carota?) on a strip between a road and a meadow. Nearby forest. Length about 15 mm.

I tend to Stratyomis chamaeleon due to abdominal pattern. But I am not quite sure about it. Stratyomis potamida seems to be much more common and is S. chamaelon registered for Germany?

Looking forward to expert opinion.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by dirk on 15-08-2013 09:46