Thread subject: :: Elachiptera

Posted by jeremyr on 30-01-2015 17:28

the femoral comb is 'an area of specialised setae on the upper surface of the middle femur' and should be 'raised slightly above the surface of the femur'. So it seems like you're in the right place. As you mention it's an irregular patch rather than something more uniform, though this is when there's a large number of setae, with fewer it's more like rows.

Elachiptera nr. cornuta is narrower and longer than E. cornuta - I think that's still its name

Edit: it's worth noting that often ' the setae on the femoral comb merge imperceptibly into the longer, normal setae'... so 'only setae less than three times as long as the greatest diameter of their bases' are counted. Dissection and alchohol appear to be the way to count them so it's not something I've tried myself


Edited by jeremyr on 30-01-2015 19:47