Thread subject: :: Agromyzidae

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 21-08-2014 10:17

Agromyza nigripes Meigen-group, male, Agromyzidae: costa extending to M1, 4 dorsocentrals decreasing in length anteriorly, shining scutum. There are several ubiquitious European species of this group developing in Phragmites, e.g. graminicola Hendel, 1931, hendeli Griffiths, 1963, phragmitidis Hendel, 1922. Identification possible only with the knowledge of the colour of the fringe of the squama and after genitalia preparation. Photo demonstates the posterolateral setae on the mid tibia (in this case two), typical for several genera of world Agromyzidae, a plesiomorphic character in the family. Prescutellars (prs) and the typical subcosta of the subfamily Agromyzinae are also well to be seen