Thread subject: :: Eumea mitis Ipswich, Suffolk, 21 Apr - confirmed

Posted by ChrisR on 01-05-2014 09:48

This specimen is actually a bit smaller than the linearicornis I have seen this year but it is greyer and lacks the golden dusting on the fact of linearicornis. The face profile feature is quite clear though and it does have a few more bristles below the lowest parafrontal, and the face-length to frons-length is perfect for mitis too :)

Eumea mitis was only recognised as a UK species in the last few years and so far I haven't seen any misidentified material in old collections but I haven't really had time to look in detail. It is a fairly tricky species to split so many novices might be misidentifying then as linearicornis if they have an old copy of Belshaw.